If you are considering selling on Amazon, it is important to understand the different types of fees that exist in order to calculate how much it costs to sell on this platform. Amazon charges different fees depending on the type of product you are selling and how you ship it. In addition as an Amazon seller, you will have to pay a monthly subscription fee.
The monthly subscription fee for Vender en Amazon is $600 MXN per month and allows you to access the benefits of Amazon's e-commerce technology. With this subscription, you will be able to publish on Amazon in Mexico, United States and Canada.
Information about Amazon's monthly subscription fee in Mexico: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/gp/help/help.html?itemID=202045260&ref_=ag_202045260_cont_6411
Details about the benefits of selling on Amazon: https://services.amazon.com.mx/servicios/vender-en-amazon/beneficios.html
Sellers pay a referral fee for each item they sell. Amazon deducts a percentage of the total selling price (the total amount the buyer paid, which includes the item price and any shipping and gift wrapping charges) as a referral fee.
Each product category has a minimum referral fee, so you will pay the greater of the applicable referral fee for that category or the minimum referral fee per item.
You can view the referral fee table on Amazon's website. The amount Amazon discounts will depend on the percentage ranging from 8% to 20% of the applicable referral fee or the minimum referral fee per item calculated with respect to the total selling price of the product.
It should be mentioned that some product categories are subject to prior authorization by Amazon in order to be able to publish products.
Amazon Mexico Referral Fee Table: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/gp/help/external/200336920?language=es_MX&ref=mpbc_200336910_cont_200336920
Product categories subject to authorization: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/gp/help/external/201808530?language=es_MX&ref=mpbc_201808520_cont_201808530
If you ship yourself, Amazon shipping rates apply. These rates will vary depending on the product category and the shipping service selected by the buyer.
Amazon Mexico Shipping Rates: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/gp/help/external/201074580?language=es_MX&ref=mpbc_201074570_cont_201074580
For products that Amazon delivers for you (known as Amazon Logistics), there are per-product logistics management fees, inventory storage fees, extended storage fees, and fees for other optional services.
With Amazon Logistics, you can store your products in Amazon's 175+ distribution centers around the world, giving you access to Amazon's world-class customer service and returns services, along with other benefits that can help you grow your business quickly.
It's important to take these fees into account when calculating how much it costs to sell on Amazon. In addition, you should consider other costs such as the cost of products, packaging, and any other fees associated with selling your products online. If you have more questions about Amazon's fees, you can consult Amazon's help section or contact their customer support team.
Amazon Logistics Information: https://services.amazon.com.mx/servicios/vender-en-amazon/logistica-de-amazon.html
Amazon Mexico Logistics Rates: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/gp/help/external/201112260?language=es_MX&ref=mpbc_201112250_cont_201112260
To conclude, selling on Amazon can be an excellent option to grow your business and reach a global audience. However, it is important to keep in mind the different rates and fees associated with selling on the platform. These fees can vary depending on the type of product and service you offer, so it is important to review the costs in detail before you start selling.
In the next article, we'll show you how to calculate your Amazon earnings to make sure you're getting the maximum possible profit from your business on the platform. You'll learn how to consider not only selling and shipping fees, but also production costs, taxes and other expenses to determine the profit margin of your products. Stay tuned for more useful tips for selling on Amazon!