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Global expansion into new markets

Today's markets have become more competitive and demanding, which is why expansion into new markets is vital to the growth of any company.

Our service focuses on enabling our clients to sell to and from anywhere in the world without geographic limitations or barriers to international trade and through our global account management.

Our clients can reach new markets and increase their reach.
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Accelerate your online business growth

Our certified team of experts will accelerate your international online growth through Data Collection with AI & BI Technologies, Data Analysis, Strategy Optimization and real-time reporting of results.
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Data collection and analysis

In an increasingly technology-driven world, we collect valuable data and information with AI & BI technologies on market behavior, competitors and your customers, enabling better and more strategic decisions.
Opportunities for sustainable growth and expansion into new saturated or mature markets.
Identification of profitable market opportunities for the business.
Reduction of geographic risks that do not depend on a single market or geographic location.
Enhances brand value and demonstrates the company's ability to compete in different markets and business environments.

Results report

We offer real-time results reports, allowing our clients to make more accurate and effective decisions, adapting to market needs and changes in the business environment.
Decision-making through updated information.
Identification of growth opportunities and new markets that can be profitable for the business.
Measure the success of marketing or advertising campaigns and adjust them as needed.
Improved long-term planning with accurate and up-to-date information on business performance and markets.
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International expansion

International expansion is a growth opportunity for any company, and that is why our service is focused on helping our clients expand into international markets such as the USA, CA and EU.
Access to new markets and clients.
Diversification of income and reduction of dependence on a single market and increase its resilience.
Increase reach and positioning for further global growth for your business.
Taking advantage of opportunities for long-term sustainable growth.

New markets

We are experts in managing global Amazon accounts in multiple countries, including Mexico, United States, Canada and European countries. Amazon is one of the largest marketplaces in the world and having a presence on it can be a great boost for your business.
Management of multiple accounts in the international market.
Advice and support during the expansion process to ensure that your business is in compliance with the policies of each country.
Implementation of international strategies focused on market behaviors.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On which Marketplaces can I sell?
At Snowball Partners we manage a wide variety of marketplaces, including Amazon, Mercado Libre, Walmart, Liverpool, Coppel, Elektra, Linio among others. Our team of experts is highly trained in the management of these marketplaces and ensures that your brand is always present in them.
How does the 24/7 integration work for my team?
24/7 integration with your team means that we are always available to help you whenever you need it. We become an extension of your team to provide you a personalized and close service. You can contact us via email or WhatsApp at any time and we will provide you with the help you need.
What are the service fees?
We offer different packages and customized plans that adapt to the needs of each client. If you would like more information about our rates, please contact us and our team will be happy to help you.
How soon will I start selling?
The time for you to start selling on marketplaces depends on the size and complexity of your business. However, our team of experts ensures that your brand is ready for sale as soon as possible and we always work closely with you to make sure you are satisfied with the process.
In which countries can I sell?
We are proud to say that we are experts in global Amazon account management. We can help you sell and expand your business in multiple countries, including Mexico, United States, Canada, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Poland, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden etc.
How can I be sure that my brand will be in compliance with Marketplaces policies?
We take care to comply with the policies and regulations of each of the Marketplaces in which we operate. Our team of experts keeps up to date with the policies and regulations of each Marketplace and we guarantee that your brand will always be in compliance.

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Let's accelerate your online business together